Power modules - NAINA Semiconductor
We recommend power modules from the manufacturer NAINA Semiconductor who convince with a wide range of module types. You can order the most popular types directly in our webshop:
- Diode-Diode - NDD series
- Thyristor diode - NTD series
- Thyristor-Thyristor - NTT series
The designs correspond to the common industrial variants of the market leaders and are mechanically and electrically compatible to the greatest possible extent. The possible applications range from soft starters for induction motors, rectifiers, motor controls, dimmers in lighting systems, UPS systems and many others.
Other power module types on requeste
- 3 phase thyristor modules
- 3 phase diode modules
- Bridge rectifier
- 3 phase bridge rectifier
- Single phase bridge rectifier
- Single phase bridge rectifiers (half controlled, fully controlled)
- 3 phase bridge rectifier modules
- 3-phase bridge rectifier modules (semi-controlled, fully controlled)
- Twin Tower Packages